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Teenage Dream.

Sunday, April 10, 2016


Love hurts. Sometimes. If it didn't, a significant proportion of the stories throughout the world would disappear. So what is love?

A chemical reactiobs in our brains? Electrical impulses? A universal energy? The manifestation of our soul?

But seriously what is it? Is the love the one true unifyin force that links all of us? Is it any, all or none of the above?

Sunday, March 27, 2016


"You must wait."
Remember, the right things are very often said by the wrong people. The right person will come. And they're here, it won't matter so much if they sometimes say the wrong things.

You must be careful.
The right person is rarely your first. But you will find them.
Remember too that sometimes you will meet the right person at the wrong time.

You must be patient.
You must be open to love.
You must forgive.
You must ne willing to start again.

Most importantly, you must be here. You cannot give up yet. The right person cannot love you if you are not here to love.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

i'm physically & mentally tired

suddenly i felt tired. yes, i am physically and mentally of e v e r y thing. i felt like the world had drained me for everything that i had. 

i'm tired of this town. i'm tired of all those shitty people. i swear, i'm tired............... just hoping myself wouldn't change to another person. 

but whatever it is, i need to be positive, as positive thinking will lead a positive things.